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Multrix - A tool for dynamic dependence analysis of a program

A project undertaken in the HPC Research Group at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India

Multrix is an automatic, dynamic and language-independent tool to construct the Node Dependency Matrix(NDM) of an input program. It uses dynamic binary instrumentation techniques to identify dependencies at instruction level in the input program, and reprsent the same using the NDM.

The Intel PIN DBI framework was used for instrumentation. Pin provides great flexibility in analysing executables with features to insert stubs or breakpoints in the running program. A custom program written using the Pin API to analyse running programs is a called PinTool.

Usage and execution cycle in Pin :

  1. Design Pintool to perform required analysis
  2. Compile the Pintool into an so file(shared object)
  3. Attach the file to the program and execute it

Work in progress